About FISE

FISE Oy is a company operating in the building, HVAC and real estate sectors that verifies personnel certifications and focuses on their development.


Our mission

FISE’s mission is to improve the quality of construction by encouraging professionals to continuously develop their skills and to provide reliable information related to personal certifications to the industry.

Certified experts guarantee high-quality construction.

In 2023, FISE has been operating for 20 years to develop the skills of construction professionals and improve the quality of construction.



FISE is a non-profit enterprise, founded in 2003 by industrial and real estate branch organisations. Its objective is to improve the quality of construction, promote the development of persons in the building industry and provide uniform information for the industry relating to certification of persons.



FISE operates with the strictest impartiality, equity and confidentiality. FISE is an impartial body whose operation is not guided by any commercial, economical or biased factors. FISE’s operation is mainly financed by certification fees, and in accordance with the shareholders’ agreement, no dividends will be paid to the owners. Persons working for FISE are committed to confidentiality.



FISE’s person certification service is a joint system of the entire real estate and building sector, and its extensive network of experts guarantees the reliability and applicability of the certifications. The certification system supports the expertise of the entire industry and is an important part of continuous learning and development culture.

Ownership societies

Rakennusinsinöörit ja -arkkitehdit RIA ry
Finnish Construction Managers and Engineers RKL
Association of Finnish Building Inspectors
Rakennusteollisuuden Koulutuskeskus RATEKO
Finnish Geotechnical Society SGY
The HVAC Association of Finland, SuLVI
Finnish Association Of Civil Engineers RIL
Finnish Constructional Steelwork Association, TRY
Federation of the Finnish Woodworking Industries
The Union of Professional Engineers
Julkisivuyhdistys – JSY ry
The Finnish Association Of Consulting Firms SKOL
Finnish Tunnelling Association
The association VSF
Finnish Association of Architects, SAFA
Kiinko Real Estate Education
Building Information Foundation RTS sr.
Finnish Property Owners Rakli
Suomen Betoniyhdistys ry

Board of Directors

The board of directors together with the CEO is responsible for FISE Oy’s operations.


Siru Lönnqvist
Engineer, VSF
Heidi Husari
Maria-Elena Ehrnrooth
Politicies magister, LKV, RKL
Matti Kiiskinen
MSc Tech, SKOL
Jussi Kinnunen
MSc Tech, MSc Econ, SGY
Mirva Vuori
MSc Tech, BY
Katja Tähtinen
D.Sc. (Tech.), RTS
Kirsi Mettälä
Bachelor of Business Administration, eMBA, RIA
Jaakko Ruuskanen
D.Sc. (Tech.), MTR
Samuli Könkö
Engineer, SuLVI
Peter Lind
Engineer, JSY
Risto Levanto
MSc Tech, RTY
Jarno Tuimala
D.Sc. (Tech.), KIINKO
Timo Koivisto
rkm, TRY
Miihkali Härkönen
Vesa Pekka Erikkilä
Architect, SAFA, chairmain of the board
Mikko Somersalmi
Janne Tähtikunnas
MSc Tech, RIL